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Inequalities, Community Resilience and New Governance Modalities in a Post-Pandemic World

Dr. Adam Mrozowicki


Adam Mrozowicki is an associate professor at the Institute of Sociology, University of Wrocław, Poland, PhD (2009, CESO KU Leuven, Belgium) and habilitation (2016, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Wrocław) in social sciences (economic sociology). His academic interests lie in the areas of the sociology of work, comparative employment relations, precarity, workers’ agency and subjectivity, critical social realism and biographical methods. At the University of Wroclaw, he led and co-led research projects funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the EU, the Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion of the European Commission, the Foundation for Polish Science and the National Science Centre in Poland. Chairman of the Scientific Discipline Council of Sociological Sciences at the University of Wrocław in 2019-2020 and for the term 2020-2024, Vice-Chairman of the Section of Sociology of Work of the Polish Sociological Association. He authored and co-authored over 100 academic publications. He is the principal investigator of the NCN-funded project COVWORK (www.covwork.uni.wroc.pl) on “Socio-economic consciousness, work experiences and coping strategies of Poles in the context of the post-pandemic crisis”. In the Endure project, he is a researcher in Cluster 2 co-responsible for conceptual framing and the biographical analysis of interviews with essential migrant workers in Poland. 


Website: www.mrozowicki.pl
